Distance: 13.95 km
Time: 74' 41"
Rate: 5' 21"
Weather: sunny, temp 13 degrees, humidity 60%, wind from south at 20 kmph
Week: 13.95 km
June: 221.6 km
Year: 2313.45 km
Yesterday, much discussion was on Six Foot Track for next year. Before that can be attempted, much hill training is required. Traditionally for me, well last 4-5 years, I have run from home to the top of Mt Rob Roy on Boxing Day morning.
It serves a couple of purposes, stops overindulging on Christmas Day and it signals that the training must start to be serious from now on. The above course profile of Mt Rob Roy was kindly provided by Ewen in 2006 and this is my first attempt at putting an image on my blog. Thanks to Strewth for a little knowledge yesterday on where to start. I am really dumb at this technical stuff.
Today, a short run down to Point Hut and Pine Is. Plenty of people out enjoying a sunny afternoon, a nice day but with a cool southerly wind just taking the edge off the temp.
You did well! Did Strewth charge $50 per hour for the lessons?
I'm still waiting for the bloodied knees pic from yesterday's run on her blog!
Ewen, At
June 15, 2008 at 7:13 PM
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