New Work Arrangements
Distance: 21.75 km
Time: 2hrs 7 mins 40 secs
Rate: 5' 52" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 15 degrees, humidity 70%, wind calm
Week: 35.75 km
June: 35.75 km
Year: 2127.6 km
New work arrangements started today with the introduction of the new bus network. I now have almost 4 hours off in the middle of the day to do whatever I like. So I will mostly go running, chatting, eating, maybe snoozing, maybe go home, maybe do nothing. My biggest worry is over training, so there will be a greater mixture of exercise to prevent both boredom and injury.
Did you know, from Dickson shops driving a slow bus, geared to a top speed of 85 km per hour, I was driving in the main gates of the Tuggie depot in 25 minutes. Leaving Dickson, via Ginninderra Drive, GDE, Tuggie Parkway to Kambah Village in 15 minutes, and another 10 minutes to the depot. Very good indeed.
Running after a chat and little lunch, I decided to test the amount of running and time I will have during my break. Down to Pine Is, along the river track to Point Hut, on to the track behind Gordon, Banks and Conder to the sub station at Theodore. Plenty of undulations so far. The along the track on the base of Tuggie Hill and the through Gordon to Bonython. Flattens out on the gravel track leading back to Pine Is where I managed to get the km rate under 6 mins per km for the first time. The workmen on the Athllon Dr duplication behind the depot let me jump the barriers otherwise another km to run to get back to work. It's nice to have a rest and chat with then just to catch up on the progress of their work. Another 6 months to get the job done.
Time for a shower, cuppa, chat and into the second half of a working day. Late finish, but I know I have time now to get back some fitness and looking forward to going to Qld in Sept.
You are so lucky. The middle of the day is the best time to run during winter in Canberra. It's often quite stunning. Not sure about Sat as I'm off to very late movies the night before. They don't finish until 12.10am!! Could be very little sleep if I struggle to start by 8am Sat. No chance of Sun instead I suppose?? It would certainly be good to run some off-road hills for a change if it's slow enough for me!
strewth, At
June 2, 2008 at 10:15 PM
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