How to Keep Motivated
Distance: 14.3 km
Time: 77' 14"
Rate: 5' 24" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 12 degrees, humidity 75%, wind calm
Week: 59.4 km, June: 321.25 km
Year: 2177.3 km in 25 weeks at ave 87.1 km per week
I received an email today to ask how I keep motivated to run day after day. A strange request from some one who has tons of ability to run long and hard.
The answer from my point of view is to have a focus, a purpose to get out and do the hard yards, especially in winter. Basically I don't usually run just to run, but with a purpose to an end goal. It doesn't matter how far down the line that goal is, as long as it's there. Then I break up the months and weeks leading to that goal and work backwards. A few races or events in between lets you know how much progress is being made.
Draw up a plan however basic and try to stick to it. Having a partner(s) to join in makes it a bit easier. Writing a blog or recording your activities helps as well.
Today, I ran home for lunch and back to work, and answered the email. Nice day after morning fog and light rain. Good run at easy pace, really enjoyed the day out.
Good advice. Certainly helps when it's a nice day like today.
Tick off the runs on the way to a race goal and Winter is hardly noticeable.
Ewen, At
June 25, 2009 at 6:13 PM
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