Two Fruits

Friday, January 29, 2010


Distance: 12.2 km
Time: 74' 41"
Rate: 6' 07" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 270 metres
Weather: sunny, temp 31 degrees, humidity 25%, wind ENE at 10 kmph
Week: 92.9 km, Jan & Year: 444.5 km

Following on from yesterday's story, I stood on top of Urambi Hill and took time to reflect and remember. Even that was a bit emotional, but then I was the only one there.
I ran the flat parts today, and walked up the hill, no point pushing when there is a much bigger mountain to climb twice tomorrow morning.
The tracks near the river are very dry and sandy, much more than recently. The grass on both sides of the tracks have been slashed by the Murrumbidgee River ranger, plenty of time to see any snakes or lizards. Nothing seen today.
Spent 10 minutes in the water cooling down, very warm today, but quite nice. Mt Tennent on Saturday morning.


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