Distance: 13.35 km
Time: 75' 30"
Rate: 5' 39" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 29 degrees, humidity 25%, wind NW at 25 kmph
Week: 21.25 km, Jan & Year: 251.75 km
I didn't go to bingo at lunch time for heads down at 1 pm. Instead, I had to try to keep my hat on my head. A strong but warm NW wind helped getting me home at lunch time, but hard work getting back.
Still, a nice afternoon, good to still see the sunshine for a few days.
Nothing to report about the running, all is well & keen to see this weekend to get to Bulls Head.
The image is where we went on Saturday, that's Cooleman Ridge being surrounded at the bottom, three laps there.
The top loop is in Duffy Forest or what's left of it. A total mess at the moment, washed out gullies, tracks not maintained and almost unsuitable even for a training location.
Certainly the vet's monthly handicap couldn't be held there in the future.
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