A Slick Brown Fox
Distance: 14.05 km
Time: 76' 52"
Rate: 5' 28" per km
Weather: mostly sunny, temp range 24-27 degrees, humidity 50% down to 35%, wind calm to NW 10 kmph
Week: 74.3 km, Nov: 308.8 km, Year: 2679.05 km
A fairly standard run from home thru Gordon to the nature park, along the river track to Pine Is.
Stop for 15 minutes in the river, then back home behind Bonython, the gravel track to Woodcock Dr, then up Johnson Dr to home.
Nice day, warm & sunny, humidity a bit high. I hope the girls got out to get used to Hawaiian weather for Honolulu marathon in a few weeks time.
Otherwise, the quick brown fox was too slick for me, spotted in the grass in the nature park.
Good day out, rest now, may be a bit of gym work tonight if nothing to do. Otherwise, a biggish weekend coming up. may be a nana nap, wouldn't that be good this afternoon at work.
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