Orroral Valley Classic
Distance: 20.5 km
Race time: 1: 55' 12 at 5' 37" per km
Running time: 1: 51' 07" at 5' 25" per km
Elevation gain/loss: 383 metres
Weather: cloudy, temp range 15-18 degrees approx, humidity 90% down to 75% approx, wind calm
Week: 43.85 km, Jan & Year: 389.05 km
This annual classic event held in Namadgi National Park has been conducted by the Australian Mountain Running Association since about 1998. It was held in Sept or October for many years, but with either the chance of snow ( once) or extreme heat ( a few times ) it was moved to this current Australia Day time slot. This also gets it away from the crowded spring running dates.
It has also been moved from the return through the grassy valley track which has become overgrown, thus more chance of snakes being out and about.
A near perfect day for running with a good turnout of close to 100 runners after late entries on the day.
Plenty of familiar faces with some gun runners up the front, plenty of us middle of pack entrants as well, and some good paced walkers enjoying the great outdoors. A couple of shorter events to cater for all participants.
There are two times for myself listed above. The race time will go down in history as what it took me from start to finish. The run time is race time less time in the bushes, upset stomach at 13 kms causing me to lose about 4 minutes.
Before any one comments, run time is for my benefit. It allows me to know just how long it took me to run the race. I ran well, very happy with the performance, especially after last Saturday at the Cotter which I will totally forget. Second half was very pleasing. As well, I need to back up for this Saturday going up Mt Rob Roy.
Great run from Kelley today, cutting down the long distance running to focus on speed has certainly helped her to a terrific result today, 4th female behind a couple of gun female runners. Might have been the choccies for breakfast, secret start to the day.
Winner, Alex Matthews ran 1 hr 18 mins, broke race record by 5 minutes, sub 4's overall. Looking in top shape for Six Foot Track.
I thought I would get in first :o). Fabulous running Steve. Glad that you can put that last Cotter behind you. Sorry to hear about the tummy, I think something is going around! I hope that one day I can add some of these mountain runs to my agenda.
Janene, At
January 26, 2012 at 1:52 PM
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Kelley Flood, At
January 26, 2012 at 6:21 PM
Steve,you are amazing in my books. You did not mention about your tummy after the run. Wow, no excuses. I can learn from you. Well run Steve. The run was lovely what a way to celebrate Australia Day.
Kelley Flood, At
January 26, 2012 at 6:21 PM
4 Minutes! You're going to have to practise your pit-stops. Paula Radcliffe can do one in 30 seconds.
5:25 ks over mountains is good running Steve. Kelley must have taken a short-cut - she's down at 5 minute ks! Maybe her fast 3000m track form is transferring to the mountains?
Ewen, At
January 26, 2012 at 7:08 PM
Fantastic running Steve on all those hills. Hope you carried tissues!!
strewth, At
January 27, 2012 at 10:31 PM
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