Two Fruits

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Missed Track Again

Distance:  14.55 km
Time: 78' 24"
Rate:  5' 23" per km
Weather: cloudy, dry, temp 18 degrees, humidity 70%, wind calm
Week:  60.35 km,  Feb:  150.6 km,  Year:  606.65 km

I have wanted to get to the AIS running track for a while, but a combo of weather & work have prevented a nice night out.
I knew early this morning when given a split shift to do today, finish around 6:45 at night that the track visit wasn't going to happen. As well, the weather forecast was not good. However, a brief downpour in the afternoon and again now at home, the weather would have been nice to run a 3000 metre & a spiral handicap. May be one last chance this season.
Instead, I kept the run today as flat as possible, if that is possible where I live & work.
I ran from work up Drakeford Dr to Kambah Village, then left following the bus route No 60 back to the new Namadgi School ( old Kambah High School), Athllon Dr side of the lake back to work.
Followed up with a good session in the gym, improved by 1 with the chin ups, and also put a bit more weight on some of the other exercises I do.
Hopefully the rain will go away, but it's pouring outside right now. Last 6 days have reaped 128 kms, so 12 kms tomorrow ( min 10 kms per running day) will make a healthy 140, then a rest day. Running at Arboretum on Sunday.


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