Fill In Wednesday
Distance: 12.25 km
Time: 68' 24"
Rate: 5' 35" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 19 degrees, humidity 70%, wind north 10 kmph
Week: 45.8 km, Feb: 136.05, Year: 592.1 km
A fill in run today from work to Point Hut and back. Nothing special although at any point, it could have rained, but didn't.
The showers and rain are now forecast for Thursday night, Friday & Saturday. We will wait until we see rain drops to pass judgement on the BOM's forecast.
I am running early this week due to these predictions. I would like a rest day, so hopefully that will be Friday.
I stopped at Pine Is for 15 minutes in the river, no one about as expected. Still feeling Ok, and nothing else that a few extra hours sleep wouldn't fix.
Finished with a 25 minutes session in the gym, a nice workout. Getting stronger every time and can now feel the difference.
I did have a 10 minute power nap this afternoon in Belconnen. That helped the eyes stay open for the last part of the day.
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