Better Than Expected
Distance: 13.4 km
Time; 73' 28"
Rate: 5' 29" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 16 degrees, humidity 75%, wind light NW 12 kmph
Week: 23.5 km, April: 254.1 km, Year: 1591.2 km
Surprise of the recovery was how easy it felt today as I increased the distance and with it, a little bit faster. A direct run to pine Is and back, rather flat except for the hill to get up to home near the finish.
There was no desire to go more or fast, but it just felt right at the time. Guess the last couple of 10 hour sleeps have helped plus appetite has been good. Combined with no sore spots now post race, this has been the quickest recovery from any of the ultras I have done, or can remember.
However, still need to take it easy or go backwards.
The other factors helping are the bike riding to work and home & the session in the river a couple of days ago.
I will now return to the gym and get that back into the plan. It certainly helped at the 24 hour, the upper body handled the fatigue and so didn't contribute to lower body collapsing under stress.
With the next run now set, this will have to be maintained. Looking forward to running again, pity about winter & the cold, not my favourites. However as Mrs Muscles would say, JFDI and stop complaining.
I'll tell her that. She'll say you get to run in the warmest part of the day!
Ewen, At
April 22, 2012 at 9:11 PM
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