A Very Good Friday
Distance: 12.2 km
Time: 63' 45"
Rate: 5' 13" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23 degrees, humidity 65%, wind calm
Week: 21.25 km, April: 33.25 km, Year: 1370.35 km
Ran down to Calwell oval from home after a nice sleep in. Watched the AFL footy game between Carlton ( the mighty Blues ) and Brisbane Lions last night while switching to the track cycling on SBS. Both worth the late night after a very early start at work.
The sun is shining nicely today, so Calwell oval was calling. The grass had been cut during the week, so an excellent surface to run bare feet. Changed direction after 5-6 laps, lost count, so turned when I felt like it. Next weekend, the direction is changed every 4 hours.
It was no speed session, more a cruisy tempo session at faster than desired pace for next weekend. Held back and would have loved to go faster and longer, but that is not right at this time of the taper. About 8 kms of tempo, so good and fun.
Only one other person about with golf club in hand, certainly needs the practice.
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