Lakeside Jogging
Distance: 6.5 km
Time: 37' 54"
Rate: 5' 50" per km
Weather: sun/cloud, temp 8 degrees, humidity 70%, wind calm
Week: 28.85 km, Aug: 58.25 km, Year: 3041.9 km
The 31st annual ACT Veterans Athletic Club half marathon was run today in cool but good conditions.
I don't run on hard surfaces as this is on the bike path around Lake Burley Griffin, so I ambled in after the start & went for a short jog to watch & have a chat.
May be felt a little better than during yesterday's run, but there is not much zip.
I'll try for a bit more distance next week, but it will be an interrupted week as there is too much happening for any consistency at the moment.
Are you watching BB this year?
By Ewen, At August 20, 2012 at 7:13 PM
Yes !
By Two Fruits, At August 20, 2012 at 8:59 PM
Looks like Charne will be first to go. I want BB to get tough on them when they burst into tears while trying to nominate!
By Ewen, At August 20, 2012 at 9:07 PM
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