Two Fruits

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Short, on a Nice Day

Distance: 9.7 km
Time: 49' 00"
Rate: 5' 03 " per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm, nice day
Week: 37.1 km, Oct: 209.75 km, Year: 3539.7 km

Beautiful spring day to go for a run. Easy during the middle of the week, resting a bit between assignments. Saturday is Orroral Valley 32 kms, hoping for a good run, another warm sunny day would be nice.
Today, ran more through the open nature parks near the kangaroos, leaving the tracks behind where possible. Finished with 10 minutes in the river before easing back to work to ride the bike home for lunch.


  • Mmm, sounds like you're taking it seriously. I'll buy you a beer if you get within 5 minutes of Jog.

    And I'll buy you another if you beat Strewth in the handicap on Sunday!

    By Blogger Ewen, At October 21, 2009 at 5:25 PM  

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