When Will It End ?
Distance: 11.25 km
Time: 57' 54"
Rate: 5' 09 " per km
Weather: same as the last few weeks, cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 70%, light NW wind
Week: 25.35 km, Oct: 130.25 km, Year: 3460.2 km
Another lousy day in paradise, we haven't seen a blue sky for weeks, and we had more rain this afternoon. Not my type of weather, it should be much warmer at this time of year.
I did manage to find a dry hour at midday to get out and about. Nothing exciting, just around the nature park and river area of Pine Is. No one else about, too cold. Better run, not trying to do anything special just roll along to pick up some rhythm.
It had better end by next week or I'm moving to Queensland!
Have fun on the 20 miler tomorrow. Tie Jog's shoelaces together. I've had a better offer.
By Ewen, At October 16, 2009 at 4:26 PM
Definitely no need to tie my shoelaces together - remember, I'm still in over-fed and under-trained holiday mode!
By Jog Blog, At October 16, 2009 at 8:25 PM
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