Two Fruits

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sore Shoulder & Arm

Distance: 7.45 km
Time: 37'00"
Rate: 4' 57" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 26 degrees, humidity 30%, wind calm
Week: 44.55 km, Oct: 217.2 km
Year: 3547.15 km in 42 weeks at ave 84.45 km per week

I mentioned last Saturday while running that my left shoulder & top of my left arm have been slowly getting tighter & more painful. It happened back in January and somehow it came right. I forget how that happened.
From talking to others at work, it's not uncommon, so it may be work related. I hope so, then work can fix me.
A visit to the doctor today, reason for short run, she said it was due to me getting older. Now really, nearing retirement, that's not getting old. But it seems that I have ( memory lapse) will remember soon," roter cuff " problem. That's what the word sounds like. All I know is that I can't reach around to my back or lift my arm up in the air. That means I can't volunteer for anything.
I need to take some anti inflammatories, and go see the physio. I'll do the 1st, wait for the 2nd, and leave the 3rd, some scans to see if anything else is wrong.
From a running point of view, the anti inflams will fix any other problem I have as well. I ran back to work from home after the visit to the doc, stopping at the river for 10 minutes in the water at Pine Is.
Perfect afternoon in the great outdoors, see weather description above. Didn't really want to go back for the 2nd half, as it turned out, I shouldn't, not the greatest afternoon at work. So many people wanting to get a lift.


  • It's a rotator cuff - how strange - must be old age cos I have the same problem but you're not old enough yet!! My physio has now recommended an ultrasound to check for any tears cos mine isn't getting better quickly enough. Damn nuisance! Be glad you don't wear a bra though taking off a crop top is worse!!!

    By Blogger strewth, At October 21, 2009 at 10:27 PM  

  • Definitely work-related. Go for compo - 6 weeks on light duties. Maybe 12 months if you have an operation. At least you're not a triathlete!

    By Blogger Ewen, At October 22, 2009 at 8:45 PM  

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