Mixing & Matching
Distance: 8.1 kms in 45'12" at 5' 35" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 15 degrees, humidity 35%, wind NW 20 kmph
Distance: 11.65 kms in 60' 03" at 5' 09" per km
Weather: cloudy, light drizzle, temp 11 degrees, humidity 85%, wind calm
Week: 45.6 km, May: 391.7 km, Year: 1946.4 km
A shift I have to cover for the last 3 days of this week doesn't get much of a break in it, just 2 hours. I have to plan to get the most out of the time available as well as eat, shower & actually get some rest.
Yesterday was a nice day, so I used it as a recovery day as I ran easy & finished at the river. The water is cold, real cold. One minute in to get used to the temp, then 2 minutes out, then 2 minutes in & one minute out. Finally, numbness sets in and I can handle about 4 more minutes before pain takes over. That is all that is needed to help sore legs. It's a slow jog the last 1 km back to work, but well worth the effort. Obviously, no one else about at this time of year near the river.
Today, mixing up the training pattern, I decided, with time constraints, to do the lake circuit at some kind of tempo pace. Lucky, a km & a bit into the run, Kelley was coming the other way. She turned around and we ran together back to near Maccas where she headed back to work.
Both of us chatted as we ran along, nothing very serious our topics of conversation. I continued on to run down to Pine Is and back just to make some descent distance for the day.
Good running today, happy to have Kelley along, and she sets a good pace. Obviously the Sydney half marathon last weekend didn't take too much out of her, a time of 95 minutes is pretty good in a big crowd to negotiate her way around.
Remind me to go the other way if I ever see Kelley while running! 5:09 ks is quick - I wouldn't have any breath for talking - she'd have to do it all (which I know she can!).
By Ewen, At May 25, 2012 at 7:25 PM
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