Two Fruits

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Easier Week

Distance:  12.6 km
Time: 71' 10"
Rate: 5' 39" per km
Weather: sun/high cloud, temp 13 degrees, humidity 40%, wind north 10 kmph
Week:  12.6 km, Aug: 127.95 km, Year: 3111.6 km

Nothing to report, ran home for lunch and back afterwards.
The magpies are starting to get protective now. Someone at work reported his first dive bombing over the weekend while riding his bike. As well, Softshoe reported a maggie at the playground at Pine Is. Bit early in the spring for them, so we have until around the end of October to watch & run for cover.
September will start off the new training program with some speed/tempo/interval running when the weather is warmer. Cold weather for speed for me equals injury, must take care.
I may even get to the T&F on Thursday nights on occasions this summer. I won't finish work until around 6: 30 at night, but the 3km/5km, one hour,10 km & may be a spiral or 2 will get my attention.


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