Gates & More Gates
Distance: 33.75 km
Time: 3 hrs 47 mins 23 secs
Rate: 6' 44" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 370 metres
Weather: very cold, sunny, temp range -5 to + 8 degrees, humidity 95% down to 60%, wind calm to start then SW 15 kmph
Week: 98.4 km, June: 438.5 km, Year: 2705.05 km
A shorter long run for me today due to a day off running with a sore throat on Friday. No point taking health risks at this stage.
That rest day with a couple of good night's sleep certainly helped today, felt strong & comfortable. Certainly could have pushed out many more kms, but I have a 20 km bush walk on Sunday which will take 3-4 hours over Mt Rob Roy. That won't be too difficult, but still needs to get done.
I'll run down to the start at Lanyon shops, walk the 20 kms, then run back home to make the daily distance over 30 kms, and so get the weekly total looking a bit better than otherwise would be with a day off.
Ran with Kerrie M & Softshoe today to Pine Is, along the river track to Kambah Pool, then up the road to Drakeford, down past the village to Lake Tuggeranong, and back to my place via Monash.
Nice day after a very cold start, had 4 layers of clothes on to keep warm plus gloves & a beanie for the first time this winter.
There were so many gates or stiles to get thru or over today, may be 10-12 in total, that the title is more than appropriate.
All good now, ready for Sunday. Hoping to get monthly km total to 600 with just over 160 kms to go in 8 days.
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