Blewitts to Home
Distance: 28.45 km
Time: 2 hrs 43 mins 33 sec
Rate: 5' 26" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 13 degrees, humidity 55%, wind NW at 10 kmph
Week: 86.45 km, July: 353.95 km, Year: 2757.35 km
No running in last 2 days due to work commitments. Today drove around Blewitt's Pines (still no trees) to mark the course for Sunday's monthly handicap. Hopefully there will be no rain overnight, the track is in reasonable condition with a few puddles crossing the trail, so there may be a few wet feet tomorrow. Still just as hilly as it has always been.
Then I ran around the course to recheck while Mrs TF drove the car home. I ran back home through Weston Creek to Kambah, then down Drakeford Dr to the outside of Lake Tuggeranong. Plenty of people out enjoying the afternoon sunshine.
Finished by going through Monash & Isabella Plains to get home.
Good run freshened up by two days off running. Wait to see if it helps tomorrow.
It was a great day for it. JW might find it a bit hot for his fancy dress 200th tomorrow. Good luck catching Ruth. Don't think you have any chance of catching CJ.
By Ewen, At July 24, 2010 at 9:40 PM
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