How Did She Stuff It Up ?
Distance: 15.5 km
Time: 81' 32"
Rate: 5' 16" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 11 degrees, humidity 35%, wind calm
Week: 43.35 km, July: 310.85 km, Year: 2714.25 km
Rested yesterday, fairly tired after the weekend, the weather was not that inviting anyway. Seems to have had the desired effect, felt Ok today on a nice winter's day.
Nothing to report. No running on Thursday, work commitments.
Today's title is about Courtney's elimination on Masterchef. I liked her attitude on the show, but under pressure, even the good ones can stuff it up.
Bit like run training, even when you have put in the hard yards, come race day, it doesn't always follow the plan. But better be prepared, than not.
Courtney stuffed up by not bursting into tears. Claire wouldn't make much of a runner - no amount of crying will help you win a race.
Go the BC16 - a sleep-in and more time for coffee ;)
Ewen, At
July 22, 2010 at 5:31 PM
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