Two Fruits

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Distance: 7.00 km
Time: 38' 06"
Rate: 5' 26" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 18 degrees, humidity 45%, wind WNW 15 kmph
Week: 7.0 km, Nov: 77.4 km, Year: 3869.05 km

Didn't run Sunday or Monday for numerous poor reasons. But today after a full day at work, no mid day break, I ventured out late this afternoon.
I had to run on the bike path, mainly due to the long grass and muddy edges. A nice even pace, but gee, I need many more kms before the end of this year.
Next year, it all has to be done in the first 4 months or it won't get done.
Therefore, the rest of this year has to rebuilding the base with the Tour de Mountain in December a nice run over a few hills to finish the year.
Then, hopefully the Orroral Valley 30km will be on in January and the Lightning Strike 30 km in February. I will know where I am at after that, and whether the next challenge is achievable.


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