End of Month Nine
Distance: 13.95 km
Time: 86' 29"
Rate: 6' 12" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 15 degrees, humidity 40%, wind north 15 kmph
Week: 26.75 km, Sept: 400.0 km,
Year: 3543.85 km in 39 weeks at ave 90.87 km p.w.
Year: 3543.85 km in 9 months at ave 393.7 km p.m.
The fall last week seemed to have knocked the stuffing out of me. I ran Ok on Sunday, then finished up with blocked sinuses & a cold for this week. No running and it showed today as I tried to get some running done in the sunshine. A nice day, the wind was cool.
We need a couple of courses in reserve for our monthly handicaps in case there is a problem with one without much notice. The biggest problem is finding something that's relatively flat.
Today, I revisited Urambi Hills, left off the calendar a few years ago. Nothing has changed in the area, we could shorten the distance for a warm month run, start earlier, etc. It has possibilities in an emergency. Otherwise I ask the northsiders to find something suitable.
I did spot a fox near the Tuggie creek, then a very large echidna near the entrance to Pine Is. I stopped to watch him ( or her) for a while as he slowly crossed the road and ventured off into the bush. Very nice creature indeed.