Bruny Island, southern Tasmania
Distance: 64.00 kms
Time: 7 hrs 18 mins 43 secs
Rate: 6' 51" per km
Elevation gain: 900 metres
Elevation loss: 850 metres
Weather: cloudy, cool, temp range 12 - 15 degrees, humidity 60% to 50%, wind at start NW 20 kmph up to SW 30 kmph, gusts to 55 kmph at finish
Week: 73.7 km, Dec: 67.65 km, Year: 2860.05 km
As expected all the weather season all day. I decided to start at 6:30 am as there is no set time to start. Daylight is before 5 am so a few slower solo runners were off and running very early. Every one must be finished at the southern end at the lighthouse by 2:30 pm.
One other solo runner also started at the same time and we chatted for about 25 kms before splitting up as each walked or stopped for eats & drinks.
The first part immediately after leaving the Dennes Point jetty is 2.5 kms of up hill. However feeling fresh, we ran all of this on good gravel road that lasted 12 kms. Course turned undulating in this part with us now meeting cars with runners and support crew obviously starting later then we had.
The course after 12 kms turns left on to the main sealed road that basically heads south to the lighthouse. No need to mark the course as there are only two more right hand turns to worry about. The race director marks the 2 km points to allow safe changeover for the relay runners. Some are out a bit but this is only to find a clear area for cars to park.
The road section last around 30 kms, and as it's not my favourite surface, I struggled with both hammies saying they were not happy. This slowed me quite considerably as my early running partner, Marie, scooted away never to be seen again until the finish.
I was feeling good apart from the hammies, and continued to run although slowly dropping time on a rough projected time of 6 and half hours. This would have been just over 6 min per km pace.
Eating and running was fine, it's been a long time since any real long distance running except a training outing from Cotter to Bull's Head and back.
I have worked out that the lack of a winter base of solid distance kms cannot be made up in 2-3 months, but this run takes me forward in this department.
The weather began to deteriorate quickly with the wind changing from NW to cold southerly. The rain started and I added a long sleeved shirt and wrapped the spray jacket around my waist. Hands and fingers got cold, something I dislike when out running.

There was no shelter from the wind as we left the flat sea level part at the Neck and ran past hilly last 20 kms past Alonnah and Lunawanna towards the national park.
The fast solo runners and the relay teams and their support crews all went past, very friendly towards us solo runners. We had numbers ( me No 14) but the relays didn't. Excellent encouragement from all around us as they must have know how tough it was especially battling the southerly winds now blowing at near gale force.
First sighting of the lighthouse, the final destination is about 5 kms away. Plenty of up and down to negotiate before hand, but the finish is there, just around the next, or the next corner.
Upon entering the last few kms, the wind was horrendous, nor keeping the hat on. The last 500 metres is climbing the narrow track up to the lighthouse, really not that runnable after having travelled almost 64 kms.
Touched the building, number recorded by cold and frozen helpers. Someone kindly took my picture to remind me I had finished as well as the certificate handed out to keep.
A quick drink, then down the steps to the car. Very painful getting down, not the quads as expected but the hammies & glutes. A problem I haven't had before.
Presentations at Hotel Bruny at Alonnah, a km from where we were staying at Mrs TF's niece's holiday shack.
Won a $ 20 gift voucher on a running store in Hobart. Might just frame that instead of using it. Back to the shack afterwards, the weather now terrible and not worth the travel back to Hobart across the channel on the ferry.
We lit the fire, had some dinner and off to bed before the sun has set. It didn't get dark until after 9:30, but I was asleep in no time. Almost 12 hours snooze, and I feel good today, except the hammies don't like the siting down.