Small, baby, brown
Time: 1hr 15 mins 29 secs
Rate: 4'54" mpk
Weather: Start time 10:15AM, sunny, calm, temp range 21-27 degrees, humidity 40%
Distance: 461.65 km
Running days: 23 / 31
Ave 20.07 km per run
Note: 3rd highest monthly total ever
Probably was always going to run today with the weather still almost perfect, not too hot, no wind, just fun. An easy day cruising along, mind in another world, enjoying the scenery along the river track between Point Hut and Pine Is when I turned a sharp corner and there, in the middle of the track, was a small, baby brown (very brown) snake. Only half a metre long, but still enough to break an age group high jump record. Just happy not to have seen mum or dad but they must be there somewhere. Not as exiting as CJ seeing an echidna, I like them a lot more.
That's about 6 I have seen this summer being tigers, red belly blacks and browns. All scarey but as long I get to see them in advance I can take evasive action.
The run was very enjoyable just a recovery run with swim to take monthly total past 460km. Probably the best month of running for a long time with everything going well. Will need to slow down in February leading into SFT in March as I have averaged over 380km per month for the last 6 months.